Shore Establishments > UK Establishments

help in deciphering service record.

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I am going through my father's service record and would appreciate any help anyone can give me please.

It is his Radar Plot History Sheet and it says
13.08.1949 HMS Vanguard AB RP2 (I know all this bit)
Action Station: A.D.R.
Duty: D.R. Keeper
abilitly good.

I really would love to know ...

What happened, where on 13.08 1949 that the Vanguard was involved in, what does action station A.D.R. mean and what is a D.R. Keeper?

I've just realised that the 13th August was the day after he and my mum got engaged. So I guess he couldn't have got too far from England. Unless he proposed by telegram!!!!

Many thanks


A D R = Aircraft Direction Room

D R Keeper = responsible for keeping the Direction Room clean, tidy and in good order...

13.08.1949 - I think she would have been at Devonport; I know she arrived at Plymouth 9 August to join the Home Fleet Training Squadron after being in the Mediterranean (south of France, Italy, Malta, Gibraltar) since February 1949, and during October she was in the Firth of Forth

He must have been trained in what was called then "aircraft direction" - see this magazine article from the early-1950s, which mentions the ADR:

I am sorry but I have another query.

In nature of decorations it says

31.10.1946 WG and PWC credited
26.08.1949 Burma Star & War Medal (I get them)
No date EHBP 109.3

Can anyone assist here please?
Many thanks

It's me again.
I have been going through your answer earlier and was wondering how I find out more about the places that HMS Vanguard visited.
My Dad told me he had been to Malta, Gibralter and Singapor. I think he also went to Australia.
Every answer seems to bring about another query for that I am sorry but please don't let it deter you from answering. :)
Kind regards



What were his dates of service for Vanguard?


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