Photographs > Members Mystery Photos
Group photo; unsure of period; any information appreciated
First post so hello everyone and thanks in advance for any help you can give.
I've been researching my family history lately. My father inherited the photo attached from my grandfather. My grandfather was in the Royal Navy in the latter half of WW2 until 1946. My great grandfather was in the Royal Marines from 1912 to 1924 (service number 17650).
We are unsure even which time period the photo we have is from. We don't believe my grandfather is in it because we could both recognise him and also have other photos from the same era. There are no known photos of my great grandfather however and he died many years before even my father was born. We're wondering if his face might be in the crowd somewhere.
So any information you can give might help us; even just knowing the era.
I would suggest that it is definitely WW2 - the rating on the right of the front row seems to have the branch badge of 'submarine detector', which was a WW2 branch - likewise the Petty Officer sitting immediately behind him has the torpedoman's badge of the same era. The other branch badges visible [stoker - signalman - telegraphist] were in use throughout the period
Hard to identify the ship, but the mast seems to be mounted ahead of the bridge, which was a characteristic of the first 'Flower' class corvettes
Thank you very much PhiloNauticus; that small amount of information will help a lot. My father has information on some ships my grandfather served on so possibly we may be able to make an educated guess at which ship this *might* be. Very much appreciated.
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