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Author Topic: Looking for help or suggestions  (Read 1002 times)


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Looking for help or suggestions
« on: 20 November 2024 12:27:14 pm »

I have all but finished my family history in sofaras as it touches Naval records, but I am left with a three tangled ends that likely require someone with in depth knowledge to progress.

Three naval ratings:-

Samuel Fullilove, landsman, died at sea 1797 (briefly mentioned in PRO) - I have his pension record, but am looking for any dependants beyond his widow

Jn Fullove (perhaps John or Jonathon Fullilove), a cabin boy in 1805 who received two  compaigns badges, but those do not reveal his roots which remain hidden. Who is his father, where and when was he born, when was he discharged, where did he go next?

Lastly Harry Edward Fullelove, who died in an horrific accident in Birmingham in 1896 (he fell into a tank of boilibg brewer'swort and was scorded to death). He is cited in coroner's reports as being in receipt of a Naval Pension, his navy number is 125168 and that reveals the ships he served on - but not the details of his pension and dependants, which are of higher interest.

So my question is, does anyone have any advice, free or paid for, as to how to discover more about these chaps

Roderick Fullilove
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