I am new to this forum so please bear with me.
I am trying to write up my uncle Edwin Rupert John Shipman’s naval service for our family history. His eldest daughter who does not have a computer or access to the internet has provided me with a copy of her fathers Certificate of the Service where it lists his Official Number as JX.247404 Port Division - Portsmouth.
There are quite a few things I am struggling with and wondered if anyone can help me please.
1. I have tried to find my uncle’s service record on various sites but not been able to find an online copy of it, is there some restriction on dates or am I looking in wrong place?
2. Is there anyway I can get more information on what my uncle was doing when in Egypt at these various shore bases and on the LCI HMS Glengyle?
3. There are some abbreviations which I do not understand under Swimming qualifications (NRIC YRJM 132836)

4. Under medals and clasps “S1073 Serial No 311875 issued” does that mean he received a medal or clasp?
5. Next to the last date 24 Jan 1946 in the column Cause of Discharge….is stamped [Released in Class “A”], what does this mean?
6. Under “Wounds received section is WS1 3 and WS1 4, what does this mean?
What I have been able to ascertain so far is as follows:
He was posted at a number of shore bases, I have listed them in the spreadsheet below/attached:
Starting at HMS Ganges training and by the dates I would assume that he was one of the first waves of "Hostilities Only New Entry Training”.
Then after a few weeks posting at HMS Victory, Portsmouth he was posted to HMS Stag (Division K) Egypt and various other posting between Mar 1941- Jul 1943.
Then he was posted to HMS Claverhouse (BV42), Inchkeith, Firth of Forth, Scotland, one of three boom defence vessels safeguarding the Firth of Forth. On 22 Dec 1943, BV.42 was lost to an internal explosion at Leith, the following day my uncle was posted to HMS Claverhouse (BV.18) until Jul 1945 before returning to HMS Victory and then spending two months at HMS Northney III on Hayling Island(I believe this was used by the Combined Operations Pilotage Parties (COPP) before returning to HMS Victory to be discharged.
Any help with above questions and any detail particularly around the time he spent in Egypt and Northney III is welcome.