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Author Topic: Understanding service record.  (Read 14028 times)


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Understanding service record.
« on: 31 December 2022 12:12:30 pm »

According to my dad's service record he spent 3/4 of his time on land.

 I understand now that that might be because his pay, etc. was paid through those shore establishments. Unfortunately, I don't have ship names for those times.  I know that he was on the Artic Escort Convoys, going half way , then returning.

The only incident I recall him talking about and where he said he was called off from where they were going was to join the chasing of and sinking of the Scharnhorst.

But none of the ships that I do have names for are listed in the convoys.

He seldom spoke much about his time in the Navy.

He was on corvettes, which he called rust buckets.
Any suggestions on the next steps to find the name of the ships he was on?
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