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Fall of Singapore
Hi Folks.
Years back whilst researching my father in law;s antics during WW2 we contacted the Naval Historic Branch. We asked about water lighters called Daisy and Heather.
These tiny ships were "conscripted" briefly into the Royal Navy to help ferry evacuees from Singapore Harbour out to larger ships anchored in the Roads. The gentleman we spoke to confirmed that this was the case. Amazingly both Daisy and Heather managed to escape successfully on 14 February 1942. I should love to be able to find about any details about them and in particular a photograph.
My interest in this stems from the fact that my father in law escaped on Daisy together with a number of senior businessmen and 5 ORs. Daisy and Heather were built by the Wampoa Steamship Company in Hong Kong for Hammer & Co in Singapore in the late 1930's. Any information and/or suggestions where to continue my search will be gratefully received.
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