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 on: 19 October 2024 09:44:58 am 
Started by Calidris - Last Post by Calidris
Can anyone advise if UK (HM) LCTs took part in training based around Slapton Sands, which culminated in the disaster of 28 Apr 1944.
Ex Tiger reports only mention a convoy of LSTs, but a family recollection is for HM LCT 558 being part of this training.
Noting Ex Tiger reports usually state the training was for the ships and craft to be used on Utah, this would reflect that LCT558 is not listed for British beaches on D-Day.
We understand UK LCTs were actually used on Utah on D Day.
Thanks in advance, Jim

 on: 19 October 2024 08:00:05 am 
Started by Calidris - Last Post by Calidris
Can anyone advise on "78th LCT Flotilla" listed on Service Record of family member, Stoker Mick Halpin
After serving 21 months on LCT 558, and Feb/Mar 1945 in south England (HMS Westcliff), he is listed as:
1 - 11 Apr 1945 "78th LCT Flotilla"
11 Apr - 11 Sep 1945 "LCT 1293"
11 Sep - 1 Oct 1945 "HMS Saunders"
We understand this is related to the reinforcement of Far East, but cancelled after VJ Day (on 15 Aug 1945).
We have a family recollection that he travelled by troopship rather than directly by LCT.
LCT 1293 was in the eastern Mediterranean, as it was transferred to Greece in 1946.
Thanks in advance, Jim

 on: 19 October 2024 07:54:03 am 
Started by Calidris - Last Post by Calidris
Can anyone advise on "6th LCT Flotilla Staff", listed on Service record of family member, Stoker Mick Halpin.
He spent most of May to Dec 1942 around west Scotland (Troon, Ardrossan, Lamlash Bay, Dunoon).
He is listed as 6th LCT Flotilla on three periods: 12 Jul - 13 Aug, 22 Sep - 4 Oct, 8 Oct - 9 Nov
Thanks, Jim

 on: 17 October 2024 10:38:16 pm 
Started by KaiJ6 - Last Post by KaiJ6
The italian friend who found this name, Matteo D Angella, sent me this. It is a research on a british sailor

 on: 17 October 2024 02:50:10 pm 
Started by KaiJ6 - Last Post by PhiloNauticus

No trace of any vessel with that name in the RN....

 on: 16 October 2024 07:13:30 pm 
Started by KaiJ6 - Last Post by KaiJ6
Hi everyone, I'm new here.

Do you know if there was a steamboat called 'Carventan' in the English fleet in 1917? It seems that was in Italy during WW1.


 on: 16 October 2024 11:01:17 am 
Started by K10859 - Last Post by K10859
Many thanks!

 on: 15 October 2024 10:19:26 pm 
Started by K10859 - Last Post by PhiloNauticus
Anchor with crown embroidered in dark red.

 on: 15 October 2024 07:23:37 pm 
Started by K10859 - Last Post by K10859
This is just what I wanted to know, thanks so much.  So, what’s the badge on his cap? 

 on: 15 October 2024 04:00:08 pm 
Started by K10859 - Last Post by PhiloNauticus

The man seated is wearing what was known then as 'Class III' uniform - this was worn by Stewards / Cooks / Writers / Artificers. 

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