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 on: 19 June 2024 09:58:17 am 
Started by Chris82 - Last Post by Chris82
Hello there,

My name is Chris and I am researching LC(i) 178 - the landing craft that my grandfather embarked to head to France in July 1944 with the Royal Artillery and was wondering if anyone has any information on her, or can point my in the right direction to find out more.

As you can see from the attached, he embarked on the 19th July and arrived in NWE on the 20th. What I am keen to find out is which port she sailed from in the UK and where she landed troops in Normandy. By that stage of the Battle of Normandy, I would guess it would have been at the Mulberry harbour but I dont know.

Also as a slight twist in the tail, another document (also attached) suggests on the 12th July he was at Tilbury Docks, along with vehicles (he was in 418 Bty, 125 LAA Rgt RA). Obviously "vehicles" couldn't go on an LCI, so it suggests that an LCT was involved at some point. Were records kept of who went on which ship - a passenger manifest if you like? to work out if he didnt indeed go on LCI178 or an LCT?

He didnt speak much of the war but I do believe he was camped near Portsmouth before going over which would make operational sense for the crossing to Normandy (i.e. rather than sending a ship full of troops through the narrowest part of the channel to get from Tilbury to Normandy!); but that doesnt explain being at Tilbury a week before embarking. You will see in the 2nd attachment that one of the columns is headed "List Index No." - would that be a list of everyone in that group of men? would those lists still exist?

Many thanks for your time and help!


 on: 13 June 2024 08:47:08 am 
Started by Mark B. - Last Post by Mark B.
Andrew, thankyou for posting this information about your Great Uncle.

My friend's Father served under him for the whole of his time onboard. The information you have posted has already answered some of the many questions i have.

I have sent you a PM.

PhiloNauticus, again thank you for your really helpful input.


 on: 11 June 2024 01:29:32 pm 
Started by Mark B. - Last Post by Hammerhead
From British Warship Losses in the Modern era.

14 August LCI (L) 99 landing craft, infantry, large Orange 1942; 380 tons; 150ft x 23.8ft; 4 x 20mm Lieutenant Arthur John Reynolds RNVR
Part of Convoy EBC72, which was bound for Falmouth from Milford Haven, and consisting of two columns of American and British amphibious craft escorted by the Londonderry and Azalea. At 16.54, then being in position 50.56N 04.47W, an American landing ship, LST 921, was hit by a torpedo, with a large amount of water and debris being thrown into the air and 2 minutes later, another torpedo hit LCI 99 amidships. The craft immediately broke up and started to sink. The Londonderry went to the scene and lowered boats to pick up survivors before carrying out an Asdic search. A depth-charge and Hedgehog attack was carried out on a suspected contact, but without result. The attacker had been U 667 (Lange). Nine men were lost. [TNA:ADM.358/4381]

 on: 11 June 2024 12:08:17 pm 
Started by Mark B. - Last Post by PhiloNauticus

There were survivors I believe, HMS Londonderry, one of the escorts to the small convoy picked up people I think.

See if you can get sight of the report in the National Archives =

The reason for names being on different memorials is probably to do with where their 'home port' was - back in the day, ratings were based at one of the main naval ports as their 'home' port

 on: 11 June 2024 09:51:09 am 
Started by Mark B. - Last Post by Hammerhead

My Great Uncle Arthur Reynolds was commanding LCI(l) 99 when she was sunk in the Bristol Channel. There are a few bits of family lore (so take with something of a pinch of salt) about this that I could pass on.
Firstly it was very difficult for the rest of the family to actually find out what had happened to the ship as the records appeared to be under some sort of restriction for years after the war, the theory is that U-Boats were not expected to to be operating that close to the mainland and that far up the Bristol Channel.

Secondly is that it was running only a skeleton crew of 9 as it had been undergoing repairs and the trip with the convoy was destined for Falmouth where she would begin operations ferrying material across to Normandy. The requirement for repairs was why she did not take part in the initial landings. As there was a gap in service the married crew were allowed shore leave, with the understanding that they would re-join at Falmouth. The account of the sinking from the US Navy ship in the convoy mentions picking up survivors but our understanding is that all hands aboard were lost.

Lastly, my grandfather always told a story of how, whilst they did take part in the landings on Sicily, his brother at the first attempt managed to land at the wrong beach at a village where there was no enemy, had a quick walk around, got back on board and re-joined the rest of the fleet!

The 9 crew that lost their lives.

House, Gordon Henry Astor,               RN   21   Leading Seaman   
Jeffries, Ronald,                                RN   23   Ordinary Telegraphist   
Quine, James,                                   RN   21   Able Seaman   
Reynolds, Arthur John Francis Patrick, RN   24   Lieutenant   
Shacklock, Francis Ernest Dennis,       RN   19   Able Seaman   
Shields, John,                                   RN      Ordinary Seaman   
Swatridge, Douglas Edwin,                 RNVR   25   Sub-Lieutenant   
Thompson, Donald Maurice,               RN   20   Ordinary Seaman   
Todd, William,                                   RN   19   Able Seaman

I initially thought that they were all recorded on the Portsmouth RN Memorial but it seems not, some are at Chatham and some at Plymouth, why would this be?


 on: 11 June 2024 09:24:50 am 
Started by Philip L - Last Post by Philip L
Article from The Age (Melbourne, Vic, Australia), Friday, 8, January 1943.
Article mentions that Lieutenant P. Roberts and Petty Officer T. O Gould both won Victoria Cross. British Submarine Thrasher, Lucky Thirteen.

APA citation
SUBMARINES RECORD (1943, January 8). The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved June 11, 2024, from

Article from Dawin Army News (Australia), Sunday, 7, February 1943.
Article mentions. Remarkable daring in the Mediterraneum by two British Submarines is revealed in an Admiralty Communique.

APA citation
SUBMARINES' DARING (1943, February 7). Army News (Darwin, NT : 1941 - 1946), p. 1. Retrieved June 11, 2024, from

Philip L
Sorry, the face Icon was in the Citation for some reason. Probably a typo.

 on: 10 June 2024 08:19:14 pm 
Started by keand - Last Post by PhiloNauticus

Wrong Shark.

This would be the destroyer launched in 1918 - see

 on: 09 June 2024 10:47:03 am 
Started by keand - Last Post by keand
Hi I have an ancestor who, in the 1921 census, served aboard HMS Shark at Chanak, Turkey, but the ship was sunk at Jutland a few years before, can anyone explain why this is so.

 on: 09 June 2024 08:24:16 am 
Started by Lou83 - Last Post by Lou83
Hello, I'm new to this forum.
I was hoping I could get some help with my grandfather's naval record, which I have attached.

His name was John Steele ,no MX505876

I've managed to find some of the places on his record.

Could anyone tell me where or what is 315 OR Flotilla? And what OR stands for?
and also
the same for 370 OR Flotilla ?

Also was it usual to going from a 4th class Joiner to a Acting Shipwright 4th class?

He was a joiner before he joined up, and was working in Orkney on the Churchill Barriers.
Any information about any of his record would be much appreciated.
He died when I was very young ,and I never got to ask any questions.

 on: 08 June 2024 08:37:24 am 
Started by Estis - Last Post by Estis
My father was in Combined Operations and I can trace/recognise all the establishments he was linked to except HMS Ubique - he was based there in February 1944.  Any ideas?

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