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 on: 28 May 2024 09:18:58 am 
Started by quovandius - Last Post by Philip L
Google search results for Royal navy MDU bring up Reseaching, Abbreviations and Acronyms. MDU is listed as Military Dispersal Unit.

Acronym Finder is also in the search results. And has MDU as Mine Disposal Unit for Military and government. But no information if this relates to WW2 or the present day.

I have no idea if Military Dispersal Unit is correct or not and if that is what it was. Some information below from Norfolk Heritage Explorer (Google search)

Philip L

Record Details
NHER Number:   38934
Type of record:   Monument
Name:   Site of possible World War Two Royal Navy 'Y' service station east of Middle Street
A possible military site dating to World War Two is visible as standing structures on aerial photographs taken in 1942. The site comprises up to two buildings and four posts, towers or masts. There is no obvious agricultural explanation for the structures, although at least one of the buildings might have had an agricultural use. Given the amount of military activity in the area during World War Two a military function seems plausible. The site is located approximately 500m to the west of RAF Trimingham (NHER 6799) which was established in 1941 and used as a Coast Defence/Chain Home Low and Oboe radar station during World War Two. Given the proximity and the nature of the site described here, some function associated with radar seems possible. It may even be the Royal Navy 'Y' station which monitored German radio traffic and was reportedly sited at Trimingham. In the absence of any supporting evidence, however, the site remains enigmatic. One of the buildings at the site is visible on aerial photographs taken in September 1940; the remainder on photographs taken in June 1942. The site had been entirely removed by June 1946.

And from RAF Trimingham, Norfolk, report by Wayne D Cocroft (Google search)

Also at Trimingham, from May 1941, but apparently not near the Radar Station, was a
Royal Navy "1' service station. Its function was to monitor German radio traffic and by
means of direction finding aerials try to locate the source of the transmissions (Foynes
1994, 227).

 on: 27 May 2024 10:13:01 am 
Started by quovandius - Last Post by quovandius
Hi everyone.
I'm currently researching an army unit stationed on the Norfolk coast during WW2 .
In their war diary, one of their objectives was to defend a "RN/MDU station" near Trimingham radar station. The trouble is I can't find what MDU stands for! There are reports of a RN listening station nearby the main RAF radar station so whether it's related to that?
Any help appreciated


 on: 25 May 2024 01:32:57 pm 
Started by Philip L - Last Post by Philip L
Article from Advertiser (South Australia), 11 June 1942, mentions that British submarine Turbulent sinks 5 Italian vessels.

APA citation
inks Five Italian Vessels (1942, June 11). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved May 25, 2024, from

Article from Advertiser (South Australia), 15 June 1942, mentions British submarine Torbay sank or damaged 70,000 tons of enemy shipping last year.

APA citation
BRITISH SUBMARINE'S GREAT RECORD (1942, June 15). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved May 25, 2024, from

Philip L

 on: 21 May 2024 03:47:18 pm 
Started by MARKTIME - Last Post by MARKTIME
Thanks for the last reply. Any ideas as to where I might find if Fred had trained with combined ops? I understand there were COBU and amphibious warfare units where RN signallers would train in combined units. I have his RN admin record showing basics such as Ship serving and dates but it doesn't help greatly. Any help greatly appreciated.

 on: 18 May 2024 03:41:48 pm 
Started by Philip L - Last Post by PhiloNauticus

Royal Navy maintained a base at Bermuda until 1995 - it was HMS Malabar,_Bermuda

 on: 18 May 2024 02:39:11 pm 
Started by Philip L - Last Post by Philip L
My father (Norman Lock) who was in the Royal Navy between 1942 and 1946 has Bermuda listed on his travel list (HMS Findhorn) on the back of his King Neptune certificate. HMS Findhorn must have called in to Bermuda at some stage. But there is no shore base listed in the ships served on record in regard to Bermuda. I would like to know the name of the Royal Navy base or Dock yard in Bermuda in WW2. I have got a bit of information below from Wikipedia, Bermuda Garrison. My father collected a map that was revised in 1942. Naval bases are not shown for defense reasons. Permission for the map was obtained from the Royal engineers (1896). My father may have got the map from the drug store shown on the map.

Philip L

In addition to the British Army and Royal Naval units in Bermuda during the War, a Royal Canadian Navy base, HMCS Somers Isles, operated at the former Royal Naval site at Convict Bay, and four airbases were operated in Bermuda – one by the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm, the Royal Air Force used RAF Darrell's Island, the US Navy operated flying boats from the US Naval Operating Base, and the US Army Air Force and the RAF shared an airfield built by the US Army, Kindley Field.

 on: 18 May 2024 02:09:53 pm 
Started by Philip L - Last Post by Philip L
Newspaper articles from the Advertiser (Adelaide, South Australia) in July 1944.

Article (6 July 1944) mentions that British subs sank 9 supply ships and damaged 2.

APA citation
SUBMARINES' SUCCESSES (1944, July 6). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved May 18, 2024, from

Article (10 July 1944) mentions that British subs sink 17 enemy ships. Including 2 large transports in a harbor in Southern France.

APA citation
Submarines Sink 17 Enemy ships. (1944, July 10). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved May 18, 2024, from

Philip L

 on: 17 May 2024 06:35:36 pm 
Started by John Seal - Last Post by John Seal

I have several photographs of a church/funeral service on H.M.S. Resolution, the procession to the cemetery with the Last Post and final volley. Text on some of the photographs mention "Far East" but also "cemetery Palma Majorca" sometime around 1926. Obviously two separate events but can someone help me to identify the photograph with the text" H.M.S. Resolution circa 1926. This was taken from the top of the hill where the memorial is after all the people had dispersed. Palma Majorca."

You can find photographs of RN and other navies religeous ceremonies on my website heading "Ship's Company" sub-heading "Religion in the Navy"

Take it steady,


 on: 16 May 2024 08:04:56 pm 
Started by John Seal - Last Post by John Seal

I recently acquired a photograph album of the 1923-24 World cruise of the British Special Service Squadron. Amongst the many photographs is one of a motor launch from H.M.S. Hood with the Sultan of Salangar on board. What interests me is that the launch looks like a modified Coastal Motor Boat. Note the similarities - port stern wheel for the rudder, passage of rudder cables port and slightly staggered, mooring post starboard stern, strakes each side running forward, round hatch on foredeck Does anyone know if a CMB was modified to serve as a motor launch for H.M.S. Hood during this period?

There are photographs of motor launches, picket boats, pinnaces and other tenders on my website

Take it steady,


 on: 14 May 2024 07:13:17 pm 
Started by Mark B. - Last Post by Mark B.
Thanks for the prompt reply and information.
The landings at Sicily and Anzio tie in with his list of places "visited?".

Pantelleria and Salerno are also listed in capital letters. Do you think it would be worth me looking at the Green lists to track LCI(L) 99's service.

I was until a few weeks ago totally ignorant about these lists, but I am disappointed, on the veterans behalf, that so little is known about these vessels and their service.

Thanks in anticipation of any more information.


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