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 on: 22 October 2023 07:39:34 am 
Started by Philip L - Last Post by Philip L
I have learnt or relearnt after a number of years how to resize a photo on my Microsoft program, using the three dots function. I have a photo of the rear of the Royal Arthur Class 207 photo with all the names of classmates. The front of this Class 207 photo, with names on the rear, was not as good a quality as the Class 207 photo I posted but it is the same photo (other than it was larger). 

Philip L

 on: 21 October 2023 09:11:02 am 
Started by Philip L - Last Post by Philip L
My father, Norman Lock (1924 - 2021), received some medals for his service during WW2 in the Royal Navy (1942 -1946) The medals he received some time, apparently not long after WW2, are substantially smaller than the larger ones (in the photos) that he received later on in 2016 or 2017 while living in Australia.
Norman made an application to Ministry of Defence, Medal Office, Innsworth House, Gloucester GL3 1HW, in 2016. A letter from the Ministry of Defence had the following information.
Issue of Medals.
Issued to JX359656    N C Lock  RN
War Medal 1939-45
1939-45 Starr
Burma Starr
Pacific Clasp
Atlantic Starr.

Norman had some assistance in making the application from the Australian and British War Disability Pensions / Welfare Officer. Beach Vale, sub section, Naval Association of Australia.

Philip L

 on: 18 October 2023 12:27:31 pm 
Started by Pierre GIUSTINIANI - Last Post by PhiloNauticus

Digitised copies of files are usually no problem - I am not sure whether the National Archives will do a selection, but you can always ask and see what they say...

Incidentally, squadron diaries are also held by the National Archives

 on: 18 October 2023 08:56:47 am 
Started by Pierre GIUSTINIANI - Last Post by Pierre GIUSTINIANI
Thank you very much ! :)
Do you think it’s possible to order digitized copies just concerning the period (August 15th to 30th) ?

 on: 18 October 2023 08:28:35 am 
Started by Pierre GIUSTINIANI - Last Post by PhiloNauticus
All such records are held by the National Archives.
For log See:
Ships log HMS Emperor   ADM 53/119347
Ships log HMS Pursuer  ADM 53/120287

For  Op Dragoon there are several files, although whether they contain pilots reports I would not know

 on: 18 October 2023 07:39:02 am 
Started by Pierre GIUSTINIANI - Last Post by Pierre GIUSTINIANI
Hi Gents,
I’m unable to find those documents and particularly.
Does someone has any idea where they can be located ?
I have tried Imperial War Museum and Devonport Naval Heritage Centre without success.
Period runs from August 15th and August 30th 1944.
Very hard also to find deck logs of Emperor and Pursuer…
Thanks in advance
Best regards

 on: 17 October 2023 09:56:14 am 
Started by Philip L - Last Post by Philip L
There are some names in my father's (Norman Lock) 1946 diary (In photo) in relation to his stay at Oromocto, Sunbury, New Brunswick Canada during WW2. I am not sure of the relationship of Douglas Miller to Mrs. Urban Miller. And how the other names in the 1946 diary were involved with Norman. I did presume that Mrs. Hugh Miller was the mother of Douglas Miller (Because of the Canadian Telegram details). Norman did receive a letter from Miss Louise Neales, addressed to HMS Findhorn, with a post box address in England, from memory (I still have that letter). Mrs. Douglas Miller wrote a letter to Norman's father in 1953 to inquire about how Norman was getting on. The letter said that Norman was a very good friend of her husband (Douglas Miller) and Norman stayed with her husband, during WW2, while on leave at Oromocto, Sunbury (I still have that letter).

Philip L

 on: 16 October 2023 07:29:57 pm 
Started by BristolPete2 - Last Post by BristolPete2
I am going through the photos of my mother-in-law and came across this photo. I wondered if anyone might be able to identify the uniform or the cap badge for me. We know there were relatives with a link to the British Navy, but also to the Merchant Navy. I don't know how to tell the badges apart.

 on: 09 October 2023 12:32:28 pm 
Started by springer5 - Last Post by PhiloNauticus
To answer your questions –
Victory – was the shore barracks at Portsmouth.  The numbers were just for accounting purposes

Shore bases with names in brackets – smaller ships did not carry any admin staff, so all their paperwork, pay etc was carried out by a shore base, referred to as a ‘parent’. So, where you see, for example, Victory (Enchantress), it meant that he was serving onboard the Enchantress, but Victory barracks was looking after the admin work

Boscawen (Bleswedd) – Boscawen was the shore base at Portland – the name in brackets is actually Cherwell.  This was an armed trawler employed on Fishery Protection duties

I presume you have the details of the various ships listed (Tiger / Enchantress / Royal Sovereign / Boreas / Duncan /Keppel / St Fagan / Cherwell) ? and the shore bases?

 on: 09 October 2023 10:18:02 am 
Started by Philip L - Last Post by Philip L
This is the far-left section and final section. Photo sections are now all the way from far left, as you look at the photo to far right, as you look at the photo. The first section called small section was between the sections called left and right. Again, I think I did crop some of the background and structure out of this far left section unfortunately, to get to an appropriate size.

Philip L

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