

A history of 1703 Naval Air Squadron


Formation and work-up

No.1703 Squadron formed at RNAS Lee-on-Solent on August 1st 1945 as an Air Sea Rescue (ASR) squadron under the command of Lt. (A) K.A. Chare RNVR. The squadron was issued with six Sea Otters for service in the Pacific. The squadron was not required for service after the Japanese surrender and was disbanded on September 18th 1945.

A Supermarine Sea Otter at RNAS Lee-on-Solent.



Content revised: 23 October 2022


Primary information sources

Additional sources:





No badge issued for this squadron



Battle Honours


Aircraft Types

Sea Otter I Aug - Sep 45


Commanding Officers

Lt. (A) K. A. Chare RNVR  I Aug  45

Squadron disbanded 18 Sep 1945




















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