The list below is complied from various sources: Commissioned officers are as they appear in the relevant editions of the Navy List [note, because of a time lag between appointments and the publication of the lists some officers are not included]. Names of Telegraphist Air Gunners are primarily drawn from incident reports. Maintenance and other squadron personnel from Admiralty Fleet Orders.  

Abbreviations: A = Air Branch, P = Pilot, O = Observer, RM = Royal Nay, RM = Royal Marines, RNVR = Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, RCNVR = Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve, RNZNVR = Royal New Zealand Navy Volunteer Reserve, Tpy = Temporary, Mid = Midshipman, KIA = Killed in Action, MPK = Missing Presumed Killed.


August 1944  - August 1945







Lieut. Conn. (A) R.N.  (P)

D.J. McDonald

1 Sep 44

In command

Killed, air crash 30 May 45

Lieut. Conn. (A) R.N.V.R. (P) 

K Stilliard

29 Jun 45

In command


Lieut. Conn. (A) R.N. (P)

C.F. Hargreaves

6 Dec 45

In command


Tpy. Lieut. (A) R.N.V.R. (P)

C. Malins

1 Sep 44?

Senior pilot
Killed, air crash 30 May 45


Tpy. Sub- Lieut. (A) R.N.V.R.  (P)

G. H. C. Lowden

1 Sep 44

Killed, air crash 6 Jun 45


D. F. Wotherspoon

9 Sep 44


S. G. Grinstead

21 Sep 44


H. A. W.Smith

21 Sep 44


A. H. Phebey

21 Sep 44



21 Sep 44


D. O. Greenbank

21 Sep 44


T. H. P. Duggan


W. S. Pollinger


M. R. H. Shippey


P. R. Dalloso

24 Dec 44



4 Freb 45


M. B. Gerrish

8 Mar 45

Lt. and Senior Pilot from 20 May 45


F. S. Tagg

8 Mar 45


E. A.M. Tuck

8 Mar 45



P. R. Bartley

8 Mar 45



N. T. F. Gowling

8 Mar 45



8 Mar 45


F. L. Gann

30 Jun 45


Tpy. act. Sub- Lieut. (A) R.N.V.R. (P)

N. R. Hiller

21 Sep 44


T. N. Biggins

21 Sep 44


R. W. Metcalf

8 Mar 45


D. E. Topp



C. G. Vickers





Tpy. Mid. (A) R.N.V.R. (P)

J. W. Lang

8 Mar 45



Joined Sqn




Junior Rates


Joined Sqn




Information drawn from the Navy list October 1944 through July 1946


List last modified 09 June 2020


In Memoriam





Lt. Cdr (A) (P) Douglas John McDONALD,, RN

CWGC entry


Bay 6. Panel 1

Lieut. (A) (P) , Clive MALINS RNVR

CWGC entry


Bay 6. Panel 3

Sub- Lieut. (A) (P) George Henry Crawford LOWDEN, RNVR

CWGC entry


Bay 6. Panel 4


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Can you add any names?

These lists are far from complete, in reality they may never be complete, but the aim is to record as many as possible for posterity.

If you can contribute a name please contact the editor using the feedback form. Thank you.





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