Above and two below: August 1943, H.M.S. Emperor working-up off New York after her transfer to the Royal Navy from the Us Navy on August 6th.




Maiden crossing to the UK


HMS EMPEROR during her Atlantic crossing from New York to the Clyde carrying a ferry load of Hellcat aircraft. Heavy U-Boat activity in the Atlantic forced the convoy to make a more northerly track and the ships encountered ice floe and snow in the icy waters off Newfoundland.




EMPEROR at anchor at Greenock, C. September 1943. Image  © IWM (FL 11445)


800 squadron


The officers and men of 800 Naval Air Squadron shortly after their arrival onboard H.M.S. EMPEROR

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Above: Hellcat 'L'  is made ready for take off

Below: a sequence of images showing squadron aircraft landing on. Note in the first picture there are two other aircraft on approach to land after the third has successfully caught a wire.

 The next aircraft 'L' is not so lucky - veering to the left on landing it ends up with a wheel in the Port catwalk. The third aircraft had to remain in the circuit  until the deck was cleared.


















Operations in Northern waters





Unless stated otherwise all photographs on this page are from the collection of the late Jack Price, Air Mechanic 800 Squadron, kindly supplied by Mr Carl Berrington.


Page last edited: 02 December 2018


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